These are from a long time ago, but no need to leave them hanging around on my phone.......
Tonight has been quite a doozey. Maybe it's the full moon? Maybe it's the inordinate amount of fruit I've consumed? Maybe it's the alignment of Pluto with whatever the heck it's currently aligned with.....on a aside note, if you have two points in space aren't they always aligned along some axis?
As I meandered through the back hallways of radiology badge free, slightly disheveled and covered in random fruit juice...
Security, "Miss, can I speak to you over here for a moment?"
Me, "uh, sure...."
Security," A have reports of someone by your description attempting to open multiple doors."
Me, "I just want a candy bar!"
Surprised look on Security's face.
Me, "I mean, my attending said he would leave his office door unlocked in case I wanted chocolate later on in my call shift, and he is new. I don't know which office is his."
Security (chuckling), "OK, enjoy your morning."
CT of the head:
Indication: punched wall
Unnamed Resident, "You have Memorial food and Big Bang Theory! I'm so jealous. Can I watch while you help me with a chest xray?"
No worries, I sent her away with a kiwi and a package of hummus when her pager went off and she couldn't stay to watch Big Bang Theory in between me reading scans.
Floor nurse, "oh, I thought you were someone else."
Me, "Who did you think I was?"
FN, "The Vascular guy I talked to earlier, you both have that sweet southern accent."
Me, "Did you say Vascular GUY?"
FN, "Yeah, the one with the southern accent, why?"
Me, "No, reason."
I wish I could say the Vascular guy sounded like a chick when I spoke to him later, but he sounded very masculine to me.
Is that a fish in his gallbladder?
A, "Your socks don't match."
B, "They coordinate, they are my patriotic socks."
A, "You can't wear one blue sock and another red and white sock."
B, "Actually I can, I'm doing it right now."
The grammatical humor was lost on A.
It's on the bottom of page 2 of 1.
Tech, "Sometimes I think you Radiologists just make up words in your reports to see if people are paying attention."
(We don't, but that's a fantastic idea.)
Overheard half of phone conversation in hallway," It's only a flesh wound."......"As you wish."....."It's not a tumor."
You have to appreciate a conversation that can be carried entirely in obscure movie quotes.
Every healthcare professional should watch the Radiology vs. ER video. One of those adorable little animated bear cartoons that some creative person typed in the dialog for. That pretty much sums up my call night.