Sunday, April 22, 2012

Quotes from the zoo

Got to spend some time at the St. Louis Zoo with Teddi (more on call thoughts to come).
As she noticed all the strange noises people make at zoos- I noticed all the strange things people say at the zoo.  Below are some chosen quotes.   The names have been eliminated to protect the innocent.

Small child, "Hey, wake YO sleepy head up." (loudly to the innocent napping bear)

Adult A, "Why don't they put all the gazelles in the same pen?"
Adult B "That's an Alarming Honk...not a gazelle."
Adult A " No, that's a gazelle that speaks with an alarming honk according to the sign."
Adult B "Never mind, I have no idea why they spread out the gazelles, and in my defense, on the sign, Alarming Honk was bolded."
Adult A, (snaps picture of sign to remember the moment)

(After spotting the large pair of brown leggings draped over a random rail,) "Oh, ...look..., pants, .....someone is walking around without pants,..... how unfortunate."

Teenage girl," What is this's JUST a raccoon."  (As we all read the below sign)

Adult C "I don't know what they are, but they poop."

Adult A, "Stop that!! There are little kids everywhere!" (To the preening penguin.)

Adults talking TO the prairie dogs "I wonder what they think of us." "Stand back up and pose for me!" "you're so much cuter when you stand up."

Adult A," I hope he's not dead, after the park the other day with the dead duck and turtle, oh, he blinked, we're good"

Adult A, "I'm just chilling...eating my big deal." (narrating the movements of the gorilla)

Adult A, "Ooh do that again...IT WAS LIKE YOGA!!!"  (to the gazelle)

Adult A, "I'm glad they can be friends, these ostrich and for legged things,  along with the stork and the gazelle."

Adult A, "Look I found the zebras, well half of them." (See Okapi pic below)

Adult A "We are finding these giraffes!!! .. You think they hang out in the antelope house?"

Adult B "I think we're going to see some okapi it twisted that I'm waiting for it"

Adult B "They're so cute!"
Adult A "No, I've seen 'Kangaroo Jack' they are not cute they are evil evil creatures"

Small girl, "They look like Bambi, my tummy hurts. " (never even took a pause between thoughts)

Adult D to her husband and the Blue jay in the cage, "Hey, look at're massive ... if we can train ravens we can train Jays... can we get a Raven...and a blue jay?"

Little brother " What are they eating?"
Adult E "Watermelon." (father walks away)"
Big brother "That's frozen water."    (FYI, it was frozen water)

"I don't have to die in a cornfield tonight, the Backstreet Boys are not 40."

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